Getting Gorgeous: Tips For Finding The Perfect Prom Dress

By Differin Staff

The gown is a pretty important part of promin it, youll be gorgeous, glam and ready to go. Get the dress of your dreams with these top tips.

Go pre-shopping shopping.

Flip through magazinesfrom teen to celebrity styleand tear out pictures of dresses you love. Search fashion websites. Getting a sense of all the styles out there clues you in to what you likeand what you definitely dont.

Know your best colors.

Check out photos of yourself and see which colors best compliment your skin and hairand which leave you looking ragged. See if you spot yourself in any super-flattering styles, or ask a fashion-forward friend what they think makes you look most fab.

Set a budget.

Knowing how much cash your can drop on a dress before heading out is a huge help. Its not worth getting into debt for an outfit you may wear just one nightespecially since todays stores sell glam-and-gorgeous gown at every price point. Make sure to include things like tax and alterations in your budget.


Accentuate your assets.

Most of use have body parts we love those we, well, dont. Dont dwell on the negative; instead, think about showing what you like most. Got great arms? Go sleeveless. Shapely shoulders? Strapless. Carved calves? Go short. You get the point.

Shop early in the day.

Hit the stores when they first open so racks will still be neat, organized and full instead of a picked-through disaster. Morning is also when youll have the most energy to try on lots of stylesa must to find your dream dress.

The gown is a pretty important part of promin it, youll be gorgeous, glam and ready to go. Get the dress of your dreams with these top tips.

Dont shop in big groups.

It may sound fun to shop with a pack of your best buddies, but it can get overwhelming and competitive when everyones grabbing for the same gown. Plus, either your pals will be too distracted to help you choose what looks best or youll get so many opinions youll be completely confused. Instead, go with just one friend or your mom, sister or aunt.

Bring along accessories.

Take a few different bras with youlike strapless, halter and racer backso you can really see how a dress with hang on your body. Also bring a pair of heels and any jewelry you dying to wear to get a more complete picture of how your outfit will actually look.

Keep it simple, sister.

You may want to stand out on prom night, but you can do that without wearing a wild gown. A simple dress or classic style (think Jennifer Aniston and Drew Barrymore) can be even more amazing. Plus, any dress you can wear again with different shoes, hair or accessoriesis a great investment.

Be snap happy.

Bring a digital camera or Polaroid on your shopping trip so you can take pictures of yourself in dresses you like and compare contenders later. You can also have friends or relatives peruse the pics to help you decide.

If you love it, buy it.

Or at least ask the store to put it on hold so you dont run the risk of someone else dancing in your gown. But dont settle for so-so; you should feel absolutely fabulous on prom night so stick with the search until your find your perfect dress.

About the Author: The staff writers from Differin (

) have written a series of articles to help you get ready and look your best for prom. Visit


) to find more helpful prom-prep tips and enter to win a Posh Prom


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