5-year old American girl dies after visiting the dentist

Friday, September 29, 2006 Diamond Brownridge, a 5-year old girl from Chicago, Illinois, has died after a visit to the dentist. Children’s Memorial Hospital officials say that the girl was rushed to the hospital when she never woke up after being sedated for a dental procedure. She had been in a coma, on life support,…

Violence in Uganda over forest clearing proposal

Thursday, April 12, 2007 Four people are reported killed in Kampala, Uganda, amidst protest marches organised against a government proposal to cut down 7,000 hectares of forest land to expand a private company’s sugarcane plantations. Two men of Asian descent were stoned to death by a mob, and the deaths of two others were under…

Notice To Pilates Beginners: You’ll Lose Weight With These Quickly (Tips I’ve Been Asked To Share)}

Here’s An Opinion On: Corporate Massage Melbourne Notice to Pilates Beginners: You’ll Lose Weight with These Quickly (Tips I’ve Been Asked to Share) by [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltVa07h87bw[/youtube] Anna Wehr Most people get confused when they hear the term Pilates. The term sounds like the name of an airplane. However, the term Pilates is the name of a…

SBC teams with Scientific-Atlanta for cable TV rollout in 13 US states

Saturday, April 2, 2005 Regional U.S. telephone giant SBC Communications is one step closer to offering cable television to the 18 million households in its 13 state coverage area. The company announced a $195 million contract with Scientific-Atlanta Thursday to provide a video operations center and regional hubs for the new service. Under the brand…

What You Should Know About Allergies And Visiting An Allergist In Evansville, In

Here’s An Opinion On: Cavoodles For Sale Australia byadmin If you have frequent bouts of sneezing and your eyes are often itchy and watery, you may have allergies. By reading the information below, you’ll learn important information about allergies and how an Allergist in Evansville IN can help your symptoms. Types Of Allergies [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcMRkyoHKeA[/youtube] People…

Fort Lee, Virginia adopts RAPIDGate for fast civilian access

Sunday, July 8, 2007 The U.S. Army installation at Fort Lee in Virginia will begin using a program called RAPIDGate that will replace passes issued to non-military persons who regularly require access to the facility. The program will take effect July 10, when the practice of issuing 90-day passes to people who present a valid…