It’s National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Here’s An Opinion On: Cyber Security Consultant Sydney There are few pseudo holiday celebration days or months that truly get my attention. But National Cyber Security Awareness Month definitely does! It’s the one month a year that consumers are consistently reminded by news reporters, government agencies, non-profits and security companies that security is everyone’s responsibility.…

Buying Baby Furniture On A Frugal Budget

Here’s An Opinion On: Bedheads Online Sydney By Sally Jean Myers Young Parents are naturally excited about their first born, and they are usually eager to fix up the Baby’s Room or Baby Nursery, and tend to over spend on Baby Furniture. When you are young and inexperienced you tend not to think of how…

Popular Music Used In Commercials

Here’s An Opinion On: Compare Green Slip By Robert Benson Stop The Insanity-Hire Someone To Write A Jingle! Many years ago, in a far away place and time, companies wishing to promote their wares on television would hire songwriters to develop advertising jingles to promote whatever they were selling. But recently, in my mind, some…