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Discover Shocking But Effective Methods On Preventing Puppy Biting
Morgan Montgomery
First understand that nipping and mouthing is considered very normal for a puppy. They use their mouths to explore the world just as we use our hands. When a puppy nips or mouths it’s not because they are being aggressive, it’s usually out of a curious disposition and nature. When you don’t train your dog that this kind of behavior is not acceptable, your going to have major problems in the future when it comes to biting. Yeah, puppy nipping doesn’t hurt that much but imagine your dog full grown and his nips turn into bites!
That’s why it’s so important to start training when they are young. Start training your puppy around 7-8 weeks old
I see so many new pet owners making the same mistakes over and over when it comes to training their puppy. One of the biggest mistakes is when their dog CONTINUOUSLY nips or attempts to bite the owner’s response is a “Ouch, No biting!” but hey don’t realize how ineffective that is when it’s quickly followed by laugh, a giggle or even a playfully gesture.
Dog’s associate what’s acceptable by their owner’s response. With that said, when your puppy nips or bites you, your first response should be an “ouch,no biting” followed by a quickly disengaging attention from your puppy. This means leaving the room, stopping all play or even turning your back on your puppy only for a couple minutes. This way your puppy can associate his biting to the fun of playing is done when he bites.
Keep in mind you won’t see any dramatic results over night when it comes to training your dog. It will take consistency and a lot of patience and practice on your part. Follow these tips to prevent puppy biting:
-When your puppy nips or bites you immediately yelp and tell him no
-If your dog repeatedly nips or bites you,ignore him completely for a minute, walk out the room or turn your back on him if you have to. If you ignore him too long, your puppy will forget what the cause for your attitude towards him.
-The pressure of your puppy’s bites will lessen over time, no matter how soft he nips or bites, always feign hurt. This way your dog understands that ALL his bites are not acceptable.
-Remember to use positive reinforcement, when your puppy is licking you and is not using his mouth to nip or bite, reward him for this behavior with treats or words of praises.
Another important thing you can teach your dog is basic obedience with cue commands. Teach your dogs the “off” command. When you see your dog about to bite, make sure you use a command that your dog can associate with as “STOP.”
These are a few things you can do to train your puppy on how unacceptable biting or nipping is. Remember, your puppy may be adorable and cute but nipping or biting shouldn’t be seen as a cute behavior. Help your dog learn what is appropriate to bite and chew, make sure he has plenty of chew toys around to divert his attention from your hands to his toys.
Got other dog related issues? If so, you should definitely check out
Puppy Training Biting
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Secrets to Dog Training
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