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By Harley John
The Biker Gangs of America are one of the very important elements of the American counter culture. Evolved during the 60s and 70s were initially hobbyist who in their spare time used to have fun with their Harley Davidson. At the height of their fame they were a fashion personification which was followed by many as a counter culture and also as an anarchist, anti-authoritative regime. One of the very famous biker gang is Hell Angels of America; their official and regular trade of business is providing security to personnel. They have also been reported to be involved in drug trafficking and prostitution but gang wide charges of such nature have never been inflicted.
Biker Rings have a unique and distinctive style, it is made in such a way that the ring art shows itself when the biker is riding a bike. One of the very famous and important Biker ring, apart from the skull rings, is the ‘1%er’ Ring. This ring is associated with the Hell Angels of America who after a shooting incident in ‘Altamont Free concert’, during the performance of the rolling stones, an investigative report by the American Motorcycle Association suggested that only 1% of the bikers in America are anti authoritative and anarchist which came to be known as ‘1%ers’. These reports suggested that the biker gangs were always in line with the authorities and have had no issues what so ever with the government. Yet this report was dismissed by the Hell Angels who responded by tattooing themselves with the 1%er sign. This significant insignia has now become a part of the great biker culture and is an important collectable as a ring.
The skull insignia has his history from the jolly-roger flag. The pirate tradition is used by the bikers, because of their common ideology of being anti-authoritative and anarchist. Skull rings in biker gangs are as important as their own insignia or the bikes they have.
Original bikers rings were forged by the bikers themselves, but in time a lot of dealers and art decorators have spawned up in this business and the biker ring fashion has gained a lot of main stream buyers and collectors. Initially made up of Stainless steel with pointed ends, they were used for fist fights, but with the organization of gangs and a very marketable media wave of bikers being portrayed as Anti-heroes these rings have made it to the main stream fashion and are now being made in silver. The silver rings are not necessarily used by the bikers but more so by the common man or collectors. Silver having a better chance of not eroding and hence can be kept for a longer time than Stainless steel.
Other biker rings have also evolved over time where one can notice images of famous personalities on the ring. A very famous ring, made for the out-law bikers initially, is the ‘Che Guevara’ ring. This ring signifies revolution & freedom from the capitalist regimes of America. This ring along with the jolly-roger skull ring has become the very staple of many bikers.
Movies & TV have also played a very significant role in mainstreaming the biker rings where in movies and also in the TV dramas bikers have been shown wearing a lot of rings and other jewelry. These rings are now part of the counter culture and which has always been portrayed as positive anti hero tradition. Many rings are also worn by celebs who have worked in those movies and most of them at times even wear them afterwards which give a mainstream feeling to the rings.
About the Author: For bikers their jewelry is not about style but more about power, class, aggression, rage, rebellion and attitude. Biker jewelry has to be a mix of all these elements to make the wearer complete justice and showcase his persona with full confidence. Click here for Biker rings
Source: isnare.com
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